Tuesday, February 27, 2007

tofu you

A lunchtime conversation. We were having a fine lunch of tofu goulash:

Take 1 rice cake.
Add tofu and frozen peas.
Pour boiling water over it.
Mash with fork.
Jacob happily let me feed him for awhile. Then suddenly, he'd had enough and pushed me away.

Ok, Jacob, I said. Do you want more? (I sign "more.") Or are you finished? (Sign "finished.")

Jacob screwed up his face as if I was suggesting torture not tofu. He shook his head and said, quite clearly, "No!"

I got out a jar of Gerber mixed fruit. Ok, I said. Do you want tofu or fruit? I asked, holding each one up in turn. He pointed to the fruit.

Parents are so slow to understand sometimes.

When he finished the fruit, I gave him some more tofu to smear across his tray and across his face. Sometimes he took a bite. But if I tried to feed him anymore, this is what happened:

Who needs speech to communicate? This is a boy with opinions!

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