Sunday, July 30, 2006

how we feel today

Our family is in Maine to be with my ailing father-in-law John during the final days of his life. Yesterday, Jacob expressed how we are all feeling at the moment. Tonight I am sitting up with John, doing the 11 to 3 am vigil as he sleeps.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Little swinger

Jacob sits in his swing and plays with a bandana. He is 12 weeks old now and he has gotten good at grasping on to things. Does he have any idea what he is doing? Possibly.

Monday, July 10, 2006


Jacob lays in his crib and stares up at his new mobile. At eleven weeks old, he seems fascinated by how it starts and stops. He has started spending as long as 45 minutes every morning after he wakes up, happily babbling to himself and watching the mobile.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

family picnic

We had a family picnic dinner beside Lake Monona in Yahara Place Park. Jacob is almost 11 weeks old and likes to stare up at the trees.

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