Monday, May 15, 2006

Rebel without a cause

Jacob poses (or more accurately, gets posed) for portraits at 26 days old. The bandana started as a burp cloth, but once I tied it over his little head, he looked like a miniature rebelious teenager, and I had to get my camera. Jacob's facial expressions are so animated, it's hard to remember they don't actually mean anything half the time.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy mother's day

We celebrated our first Mother's Day as a family, when Jacob was just 3 weeks old. First Mike served breakfast in bed, then Mike and Jacob went out to Quaker Meeting and gift shopping, leaving Amy some quiet time at home (which she promptly filled with grading exams).

Jacob was smaller than the breakfast in bed.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Are mothers maternal?

Amy breastfeeds 3-week-old Jacob, while Mike reads an article in the New York Times Science Times section about how mothers are not maternal. The article tells macabre stories about "mothers that zestily eat their young." But don't you worry, Jacob is not for dinner.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Father and son

Here is another photo from yesterday. I love the fact that Jacob is small enough to lay in my forearm.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

All the news that fits

At 18 days old, Jacob is 20 inches long and weighs 7 pounds — the same size (but lighter than) the Sunday New York Times.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

First picnic

Jacob takes his first trip to Olbrich Botanical Gardens at two weeks old, during which he has his first "picnic," (AKA Amy's first public breast feeding).

As you can see, he's still a little bruised from birth, but his head has returned to a normal shape after the Big Squeeze.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sorry, he's tied up at the moment

Jacob is now two weeks old. He tends to scream in protest when his diaper is being changed, and only calms down after he gets swaddled. It is amazing how quickly he quiets. I guess it reminds him of his old womb.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sweet dreams

Jacob is thirteen days old. Amy has already fallen in love with him. Of course, who wouldn't?

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