Sunday, April 30, 2006

Don't cry uncle!

Would you trust these men with your baby? We did, and all survived. Once Jacob can understand what they are saying, however, we may have to be more cautious. Uncle Davy tried to tell Jacob all about the world, while Uncle Peter tried to understand what Jacob was saying.

Monday, April 24, 2006

sleeping like a baby

Jacob is four days old. He is busy sleeping and accepting visitors now that we've come home from the hospital.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Day 2

Here is Jacob Benjamin Forster Rothbart at one day (33 hours) old, in our recovery room of the St. Mary's hospital maternity ward. We're all very tired and this breast feeding routine is hard to get used to – right now it takes all three of us to make it work – but otherwise we are well.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Jacob's first hour

Five minutes old

Jacob Benjamin Forster Rothbart spent the first 40 minutes of his life laying on Amy's chest while the doctors cleaned up. What a tiny precious gasping little bundle he is!

Twenty minutes old

Twenty-five minutes old

Forty minutes old

Fifty minutes old

One hour old

Jacob arrives!

Jacob was born April 20, 2006 at 12:03 a.m.

Here are his stats:

  • 20 inches tall
  • 7 pounds, 6 ounces
  • 5 fingers per hand, (the tiniest we've ever seen)
  • 4 days late
  • 3 happy, healthy and sleep-deprived Forster Rothbarts
  • 2 uncles, and one aunt
  • 1st grandchild in the family
  • 0 hours of sleep per night
All is well.

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